ELSI Research Project:

History of State and Local Eugenic Practices in the United States

A significant research project on the history of eugenics is being supported by the Human Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) program of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health.

The overall goal of the ELSI Research Project is to take advantage of this centenary to explore the largely untold history of state and local eugenics in the United States by conducting research that both deepens our understanding and helps draw lessons for academic scholars in bioethics and the humanities, scientists, health administrators, policy specialists, and the public.

With this overall goal in mind, our specific aims are:

The individuals participating in the ELSI Research Project epitomize the notion of interdisciplinary. They are trained in an array of disciplines and represent a variety of institutions. The project team includes:

Elof Carlson Biology, SUNY Stony Brook (emeritus)
Gregory Dorr Center for the Study of Diversity in Science, Technology & Medicine, MIT
Molly Ladd-Taylor Department of History, York University
Jason Lantzer Department of History, IUPUI
Mark Largent James Madison College, Michigan State University
Angela Logan Center on Philanthropy, Indiana University
Paul Lombardo Center for Law, Health & Society Georgia State University
Ed McCabe Departments of Pediatrics and Human Genetics, UCLA
Max Mehlman Law-Medicine Center, Case Western Reserve University
Eric Meslin Center for Bioethics, Indiana University
William Schneider Department of History, IUPUI
Johanna Schoen Department of History, University of Iowa
Alexandra Stern Center for the History of Medicine, University of Michigan